Home >without pilot >The Yemeni army inflicts heavy losses on the Houthis on the Marib fronts
Apr 17By smartai.info

The Yemeni army inflicts heavy losses on the Houthis on the Marib fronts

The Yemeni army forces succeeded in repelling the Houthi militia's attempts to advance in the Al-Ayraf area and the eastern outskirts of Jabal al-Balaq in the Ma'rib governorate, according to statements by a military source.

The source added that fierce battles waged by the army forces with the militias resulted in the killing of dozens of Houthis.

The coalition warplanes also destroyed a number of military vehicles and crews of Houthi gatherings along the southern and western fronts of Marib.

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الجيش اليمني يكبد الحوثيين خسائر كبيرة في جبهات مأرب

The Yemeni army and the popular resistance were able to break violent attacks by the Houthi militia on the fronts south and west of Ma'rib during the past 24 hours, with the "Coalition to Support Legitimacy" intensifying its air support operations, inflicting dozens of deaths on the militias.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni government accused Tehran of continuing to supply the Houthis with weapons in order to "implement its expansionist plan in the region and restore the glories of the Persian Empire."

The coalition stated that it had carried out 36 operations against the militias in Marib during the past 24 hours, confirming the destruction of 20 military vehicles and drone control units, and the elimination of more than 190 terrorist elements.

The Yemeni army's military media confirmed that the government forces, backed by the popular resistance, fought continuous battles against the militias on the various fronts of fighting in the western and southern Ma'rib governorate.

Yesterday, Saturday, field sources confirmed the killing of 30 militia members and the capture of 7 others within 8 hours of shelling and clashes.

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