Home >without pilot >This is the strongest air force for the armies of the world
Aug 09By smartai.info

This is the strongest air force for the armies of the world

This classification is not only dependent on the size of the forces and their military equipment, but also took into account the extent of progress in weapons and the level of efficiency in their use.

The list published by "Ten Insider" for the world's most powerful air force, followed by its Russian counterpart, is second..

The Air Force in the Zionist entity ranked third, followed by air weapons in Britain, China and France in the fourth to sixth positions.

10- The Air Force in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces

The Japanese Air Force was formed within the 1st July 1, 1954, and it consists of air support, training, air defense and development.

- The number of members of the Japanese Air Force reaches more than 50 thousand and 777 aircraft, including 280 combat aircraft, 265 training aircraft, 52 transport aircraft and 52 helicopters.

9- Australian Royal Air Force

- The Australian Armed Forces have the Australian Air Force working since March 31, 1921, and its headquarters is in Canberra and has participated in a group of the most important conflicts in the twentieth century.

The Australian Air Force consists of 14 thousand individuals, more than four thousand reserve forces, 205 combat aircraft, 36 transport aircraft, 106 training aircraft and 15 main air bases.

8- The German Air Force (Loffft)

- The term referring to the German Air Force, a section of the German armed forces (Bundeshsdir), is the fourth largest weapon in Europe after Britain, France, Italy and one of the best air force in the world.

- Its foundation dates back to 1956 during the Cold War as part of the armed forces of West Germany, and most of its pilots have undergone training, whether in the United States or Canada.

- The German Air Force currently includes more than 28 thousand soldiers and about five thousand reserve soldiers, and 428, including 234 combat aircraft, 84 transport aircraft, 110 training aircraft, 10 reconnaissance aircraft and 45 helicopters.

7- The Indian Air Force

The Indian Air Force was established 83 years ago, specifically in 1932, within the Indian army, which is classified as the fourth strongest in the world.

- Since its independence from Britain, India has fought four wars with Pakistan and one with China, and the number of Indian Air Force members at the present time reaches 127 thousand people and owns about 1500 aircraft, including 567 combat aircraft and 227 offensive aircraft.

- The air arsenal also includes 228 transport aircraft, 14 private missions, 60 air bases, 186 training aircraft, 373 helicopters, 26 offensive helicopters.

6- The French Air Force

- The French Air Force was established in 1909 within the French army and is famous for the invention of Mirage planes, which some classify as the most successful plane in history.

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- The number of French Air Force -owned aircraft reaches 658 aircraft, including 247 combat aircraft, of which 106 Daso aircraft and 141 Dasso Mirage 2000 aircraft, and weapons include more than 43 thousand soldiers and about five thousand reserve soldiers.

5- Chinese Air Force

The Chinese Air Force was established on November 11, 1949, and is the largest in Asia with a number of 398,000 individuals.

- Chinese army aircraft distributed between 360 transport aircraft, 1308 combat aircraft, 120 launchers, 644 transport aircraft, 41 private missions, 137 helicopters, and more than 150 military rulers.

- In light of the continued modernization of the old army, the old aircraft with a new one of the 4 generation.5 It is planned to be the "fifth" generation of the future.

4- British Royal Air Force

The British Royal Air Force was established on April 1, 1918, and it is the oldest in the world and played an important role in World War II, especially the Battle of Britain.

- British Royal Air Force planes are famous for their remarkable technological excellence and include offensive aircraft, fighter, monitoring and early portable warning systems and fuel -providing aircraft.

- The British Air Force consists of 34,200 workers and two thousand reserve forces and owns 120 combat aircraft, 102 offensive aircraft, 524 training aircraft, 41 transport aircraft, 21 reconnaissance aircraft, 134 helicopters and 55 air bases.

3- The Air Force in the Zionist entity

The Air Force was established in the Zionist entity on May 28, 1948, and it consists of 34,000 soldiers in service and about 55 thousand reserve soldiers and owns up to 736 aircraft.

- The fleet includes 395 combat aircraft, 25 offensive aircraft, eight firefighting aircraft, 54 transport aircraft, 16 fuel -refueling aircraft, 66 training aircraft, 138 helicopters, and 14 air bases.

2- The Russian Air Force

- The Russian Air Force is part of the "Russian Space and Aviation Forces". The latter was established on the first of August 2015 by integrating the "space and air defense force" with the "Russian Air Force".

The Russian Air Force has been active since May 7, 1992 and has become one of the most powerful air weapons in the world in a short period of time.

- The Russian Air Force includes 160,000 soldiers and owns 265 training aircraft, 514 hybrid aircraft, 106 private tasks, 265 transport aircraft, 181 launchers, 806 combat aircraft, 885 helicopters.

1- The American Air Force

At the top of the list of the US Air Force, a section of the American Armed Forces and one of the seven sectors of the regular American army.

- The US Air Force was part of the "United States Army", but it separated from it on September 8, 1947, and it is the latest, largest and most superior technology in the world among all sectors of the American armed forces.

- The highest rank in the US Air Force is the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and supervises all weapons units and is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

- The US Air Force includes more than 307 thousand soldiers, about 177 thousand civilian employees, more than 69,000 reserve forces, 105,000 Air Guard members, 5137 aircraft, 63 satellites and a budget of up to 140 billion dollars.