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Experimental operation for self -driving cars on Yas Island - Al -Ittihad newspaper

Hala Al -Khayyat (Abu Dhabi)

تشغيل تجريبي للسيارات ذاتية القيادة في جزيرة ياس - صحيفة الاتحاد

The Department of Municipalities and Transport announced that it is in the process of operating self -driving vehicles before the end of this year in Yas Island in principle, so that operational operations are expanded in other areas of Abu Dhabi later..The department told Al -Ittihad that it worked to develop the comprehensive land transport plan and the transmission plans of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which determines the future of transportation to the emirate.Adopting sustainable means of transportation, smart and innovative solutions for mobility.The Department of Municipalities and Transport indicated that it is working in coordination and cooperation with strategic partners with the stimulants to develop an integrated and sustainable transportation system that elevates the quality of services provided to the emirate's residents and its pioneers, and achieves the goals of the department and the integrated transportation center.The comprehensive land transport plan identified a set of sustainable transport initiatives in Abu Dhabi, which aims to reduce the carbon footprint, for example, the scooter service was launched that was well received by users, and from other services that were launched Abu Dhabi Link, which is a bus service on requestThat will improve the travel experience for bus users.The department emphasized that work is currently being done on developing a low -emission vehicle strategy in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which focuses on the various technologies that will contribute to reducing the level of emissions resulting from the transport sector, and developing sustainable transport programs concerned with setting a set of measures designed to change the way the emirate's residents are transferred in their lives Daily and influencing them, with a focus on promoting and supporting the sustainable movement options for the final users, with the aim of reducing dependence on individual movement in vehicles, including encouraging flexible work practices, vehicles, active movement through walking and using bicycles, "row and transportation", and other measures that It enhances the concept of sustainable movement, in a way that contributes to reducing congestion, and reducing emissions from the transport sector.The department indicated that the integrated transportation center is currently working, and in cooperation with strategic partners to prepare for the start of the experimental operation of self -driving vehicles to transport passengers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, which will pave the way for the development and employment of smart technologies in serving the emirate's residents and improving energy consumption, and at the same time reducing traffic congestionAnd limits the level of emissions resulting from the transportation sector.In addition, smart and innovative solutions are tested for miniature transmission by using electric scooter compounds and bicycles that are operated through smart applications, as part of the department's endeavor to enhance alternative mobility and provide various mobility options for the emirate's residents and meet the needs of short flights and first/ latter trips, as they support directionsTowards the use of alternative and environmentally friendly transportation, limits traffic congestion, maintains a clean and sustainable living environment, and raises the quality of life in the emirate.

Hall vehicle rental service

أشارت الدائرة إلى أنه تم إطلاق Hall vehicle rental service، ومنح تراخيص للشركات الراغبة في مزاولة هذا النشاط، والمؤهلة لتقديم خدمات ذكية تمكن المتعامل، من خلال تطبيق ذكي على الهاتف المحمول من تحديد السيارة الأقرب إليه ليستأجرها ويقودها بنفسه وبتكاليف بسيطة، حيث تشجع هذه الخدمة على التوجه نحو أساليب النقل المستدام، خاصة أنها تسهم في رفع جودة الهواء في الإمارة، وخفض انبعاثات عوادم السيارات، والحد من اقتناء المركبات الخاصة، وتقليل الازدحام المروري، والحفاظ على بيئة نظيفة، لاسيما أنه سيتم تخصيص نسبة من أسطول الشركات المقدمة لهذه الخدمة ليحوي عدداً من سيارات هجينة وكهربائية صديقة للبيئة، حيث قام مركز النقل المتكامل بإدخال المركبات الهجينة في أسطول سيارات الأجرة، وهناك خطة لزيادة عددها لاحقاً.