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Turkey's failed coup: How has the Republic changed over the past five years?

Since its inception, the Turkish Republic has witnessed many army interventions in political life through 4 military coups, two of which led to the government's change without the army's control of the reins of government.

On July 15, 2016, a failed coup attempt was followed by many changes in the country, so what happened during the past five years?

First, what happened on the night of the coup attempt?

The rebel soldiers closed the streets in Ankara and Istanbul, and tasked with the Special Forces to arrest President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was supposed to be his arrest as a culmination of their coup..

Turkey's coup: Who was behind the military coup attempt?

Why did the military coup fail in Turkey?

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The special forces, who were fire and throwing grenades, attacked the hotel where the president was staying, the Luxurious Club Torban Hotel in Marmaris of coastal resort (southern Turkey) and they are armed with automatic rifles and grenades, and killed two of his guards.

These men were looking for a specific person - President Recep Tayyip Erdogan - who was spending a vacation in a private villa attached to the aforementioned hotel.

But they were somewhat late.

After a communication arrived from a source, the Turkish president was transferred from the resort with a helicopter.As soon as he arrived at Dalaman Airport, he boarded a private plane that took it to Istanbul.The pilot of the plane camouflaged its identity so that it appeared to the radar system as if it were a regular civilian plane.

After three o'clock in the morning, President Erdogan appeared outside the Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, amid the chants of his supporters and supporters.

The coup failed, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan came out of the ordeal more powerful than it was.

And that night, for many of the Turks, represented a new birth of the contemporary Turkish Republic.President Erdogan, while traveling from Marmaris to Istanbul, broadcast a photo message transmitted by Turkish television, in which he urged citizens to go out to the streets and face the coup attempt..

The Turks responded to Erdogan's invitation strongly, and 265 people were killed in the confrontations that took place between citizens and the coup..

Some threw their bodies in front of the coup tanks to prevent them from moving, while others were subjected to the fire of the coup on the Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul in their attempt to defeat the conspirators.

By dawn, it was found that the coup attempt was unsuccessful.

Mark Lewin wrote in the BBC that for the first time since the establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923, the people succeeded in standing in the face of the military tanks..In the past decades, Turkey has witnessed 4 successful military coups, but Erdogan has succeeded in preventing the success of a fifth coup.

After the failure of the coup attempt, millions gathered in night demonstrations, two phones in the name of Erdogan and the singers of his election campaign..

Within hours, Erdogan has turned from a president who almost lost control of his country into an indomitable leader.

Campaign of arrests

After the failure of the coup attempt, a campaign of arrests in the country fell and more than 160,000 people between a detainee, a pilgrim and an article, from policemen to pilots to teachers to businessmen..

Erdogan and his allies filmed the failed coup that he made enemies conspiring on Turkey.

The president accuses of persecuting opponents of him, who had nothing to do with the coup attempt.Hundreds of academics were expelled from their jobs, including those who signed a statement in which they demanded the government to stop its military operations in the Kurdish areas of the country..

For his part, Erdogan attacked these, describing them as "fake intellectuals" and "fifth queue" that implement the desires of foreign powers and terrorists..

God conquered Gulen

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The cleric, Fathallah Gulen, for several years, was an ally of Erdogan, and helped him purify the Turkish army of the secularists.

But when the corruption scandal exploded on Erdogan in 2013, the latter accused Gulen of eavesdropping on his phone calls and fabricating evidence against him..Gulen became the first enemy, accused of leading a "parallel state".

The government considered the coup attempt to confirm its doubts, so Gulen explicitly accused the attempt and demanded the United States to hand it over to it..

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But many foreign governments questioned what the Turkish authorities went to, as European intelligence services and the German government said they were not convinced that Gulen was the one who ordered the implementation of the coup attempt..

As for the British Council of Foreign Affairs of the Council of House.

Turkey has not yet succeeded in convincing Washington to hand over the cleric to it.

It is noteworthy that Fathallah Gulen has established a network of followers since the 1960s, through the schools and universities he sponsored in Turkey and abroad.

His group describes itself as a "non -political and political and educational movement" that adheres to the principles of "solidarity, altruism and compassion" through various projects from private schools to programs to help the poor.

Presidential system

Erdogan is the strongest leader in Turkey since the founder of the state, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, and Erdogan was elected head of state in 2014 after 11 years he spent in the presidency of the government.

Although the position of the head of state was a traditional traditional position in Turkey, Erdogan had other intentions.

Erdogan, the dominant figure of the Turkish political scene, had been dreaming a long time ago by strengthening his authority by amending the constitution so that Turkey turns from the parliamentary system to the presidential system, a system that cancels the position of prime minister and allows him to establish his grip on the country.

Indeed, Turkish voters agreed to a referendum held on April 16, 2017, on the recommendations and proposed reforms of Erdogan.

The ghost of the coup attempt prevailed over the battle of the referendum, as Erdogan described the voters "without" as "complicit with the coupists", while many hesitated to criticize the government as a result of the state of emergency imposed after the attempt..

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The opponents have seen that granting extensive powers to the president of the country so that he brings together large powers that will convert the system of government to the one -man regime without there being legal controls to account the president about his policies and practices.

The opponents add that the president's ability to establish relations with a political party - in which case the Justice and Development Party, which contributed to its establishment and leadership - will end any opportunity to ensure the neutrality of the president.

The voters have agreed to the constitutional amendments that included the cancellation of the position of Prime Minister, the appointment of the president to senior officials, ministers and representatives of the president, giving him the right to interfere in the country's legal system and impose a state of emergency.

In June of 2018, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan won a second term in presidential elections, which were considered a detailed turn in the political life of the Turks.

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With this result, Erdogan obtained a political authorization from the Turkish people to change the features of the political system in the country for the first time since the establishment of the Turkish Republic by Ataturk.

Erdogan entered these elections, asking for most of the executive authorities to limit his hands and give him unprecedented powers to the political system approved by Turkish voters in the constitutional amendments in a referendum in April 2017.

The president also enjoys support in Parliament with a majority of the deputies of his party: Justice and Development and his ally, the national movement in consolidating the pillars of the presidential system.

As for his opponents who competed him with the presidency, they are five representing the opposition parties in all its spectrums, and they were unable to defeat it, neither in the presidential elections or parliamentary elections.The strongest of which was Muharram Enge from the Republican Party, which is described.7 percent of the total votes.

success factors

Erdogan's political victories are due in a large part of the popular support he enjoys due to his victory for Islamic issues.

In the town of Riza, located on the Black Sea coast - the town from which the Turkish president descends - a large picture of Tayyip Erdogan is supervised on the campus of the university that bears his name.There is nothing that describes the concept of "individual worship", such as the name of a leader on an institution, and he is still alive.

The pulsating heart area of Turkish nationalism is the conservative and religious side of Turkey, which was suffering from marginalization for decades until it was found in Recep Tayyip Erdogan..

Many residents of this region have suffered from neglect by the ancient secular elite that built the Turkish Republic since its inception in 1923 according to the concepts that the founder of modern Turkey brought, which are secular concepts that look forward to the West and deny the Islamic East.

The Muslims of Anatolia felt as if they were second -class citizens, as they were called the "black Turks" compared to the white Turks "of the bourgeois class.

And the women of the "black Turks" prevented the wearing of the veil in the official institutions and departments, until Erdogan, the conservative Muslim, came.Erdogan's wife was the first prime minister to wear the veil.Erdogan's government canceled the ban on wearing the veil in 2013.

In Riza, people love Erdogan's piety, and of course they love the roots of his family in the area.

Erdogan, who was born in Istanbul, has strong family bonds with Breza, as his grandfather had migrated there from Georgia, and his father was born in that coastal town.

Saadallah Motlu, a relative of Erdogan, stands near the Grand Mosque in the village of Gonaysu, which is adjacent to Rayza, in which the Turkish president keeps a residence, that he remembers Rajab Al -Saghir that he was "a mature boy and ambitious and has an interest in political issues.".

Erdogan was aspiring in his youth to become a professional football player, but he was attracted to the youth branch of one of the Islamic political movements.Erdogan was associated shortly after that, as the Secretary of Gulbran, and the couple had four children.His upgrading was quickly in the political field..

Erdogan's humble origins in the borders of the Black Sea and his childhood spent in the poor Qasim Pasha region in Istanbul had a great effect on giving him the ability to communicate with ordinary voters, as his supporters feel their voice.

Facts about Turkey

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At the same time, Turkey has turned from its previous situation as an economically failed country at the beginning of the second millennium into a country that is one of the most powerful economies in the world.

After the economic collapse that Turkey went through in 2001, in which the country witnessed a chronic amplification and the low price of the currency to 1.5 million pounds against the US dollar, Erdogan managed to gain a good reputation for its economic efficiency.

In 2011, economic growth passed 10 percent, and Turkey became known as the new tiger and the fastest growing economies in the group of twenty countries.

However, terrorist attacks and political turmoil led to the shrinkage of the economy, and the unemployment rate in Turkey is currently about 13 percent.

But in general, the middle class expanded to a huge extent, and millions of poor Turks economically benefited from Erdogan's leadership..

The daily life of the Turks improved thanks to the major projects implemented by the Erdogan government, from schools to hospitals to roads to other infrastructure projects.As for the religious Turks, who have always felt marginalized by the secular elite, their influence has increased, and Turkey has also liberated from the power of the military who were previously acting without fear.

The relationship with Europe

Turkey has become the main crossing of refugees heading to Europe, as thousands of them were trying to cross from the Turkish land to the Greek islands and many of them drown at sea.

Turkey has entered into an agreement with the European Union to stop this torrent that includes the return of those who reject their asylum requests to Turkey.It is widely believed that European leaders have reduced their criticism of Erdogan for their need for his cooperation in the refugee and migrant issue.

But the anger of the volatile Turkish leader escalated to the point of inviting the European Parliament to suspend Turkey's accession negotiations to the European Union.

"Unfortunately, Europe looks at President Erdan and Turkey in general as the other who enables it to turn its internal problems into a supposed enemy.".

Last year witnessed the establishment of Greece, France, Italy and Cyprus, conducting joint military exercises in the eastern Mediterranean, while Turkey confirmed that it would not provide "any concession" in that region..

This escalation came between the two sides after the German Foreign Minister's visit to Istanbul and Athens in an attempt to mediate to calm the tension between the two countries.

What are the causes of the recent Greek Turkish tension?

The Greek Ministry of Defense announced that "Cyprus, Greece, France and Italy agreed to spread a joint force in the eastern Mediterranean in the framework of the Quartet Cooperation Initiative (SKAD)".

This comes due to the competition for energy sources in the Mediterranean.

In recent years, huge gas reserves have been discovered off the coast of Cyprus, which called on the Cypriot government, Greece, Israel and Egypt to cooperate in order to achieve the maximum benefit from these sources..

As part of the agreement, energy supplies will be transferred to Europe via a 2000 -km pipeline in the Mediterranean.

For its part, Turkey has intensified exploration operations west of Cyprus (it has been divided into two parts since 1974, and its northern part of Turkey is not controlled except by Ankara's recognition)..Ankara has long stressed the need to share the natural resources of the island.

Why renewed the controversy between Turkey and Greece over an upgrade Muslims?

The Greek -Turkish relations also witnessed a recent diplomatic tension, after the Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoglu, described the Muslim minority in the Western Taraqiya region, in eastern Greece, near the border between the two countries, as "Turkish".

This came during a visit to Chaoshoglu to Greece, and conversations with his Greek counterpart, Nikos Dennedas, to discuss calming relations between the two countries.However, Ihsanoglu's visit to Taraqia and the meeting of the Mufti of the Muslim minority in it, "provoked" the Greek side.

Turkey constantly says that Greece does not protect the rights of this minority, which is completely rejected by the Greek side.

The importance of Turkey

There is no doubt that Turkey is of great importance.It is still an important ally of the West in the Middle East, and in the eastern wing of NATO, not to mention that it is an important commercial partner.Turkey has the role of the causes of Syria and Libya.

While Turkey is trying, with a little success, to head towards Russia and the Gulf states, this trend can have a major geopolitical impact.The West cannot lose Turkey.

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Erdogan once said in one of his famous statements, "Democracy is the same as the train.You leave the train when you reach your goal..

In the end, the coup attempt caused a tremor in Turkish society as a result of the campaign of arrests and dismissals, as it was arrested and separated by tens of thousands of Turks..At the same time, Turkey's hopes of joining the European Union faded.Turkey has become more politically divided than before.