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Feb 06By smartai.info

Uighurs: The man who takes China is desperate measure

We start our tour of the Telegraph and a report written by Jossi Insor entitled "Learn about the man who is taking a desperate measure to be silent".

The writer says that after Adrian Zenz published his report on the abuse, which is being exposed to Uighur Muslims in the Chinese provinceTo click on a link.

He made him his work in exposing collective arrests and suppressing the Uighur minority as a major goal for the Chinese government, according to the author.

"Their work against me is in many ways a sign of success...This shows that they are concerned..

His latest report, issued last December, by the New Lolls Institute for Strategic and Politics Studies in Washington, included a shocking discovery that more than half a million people from ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang were forced to pick cotton for Chinese factories.

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He explained in unprecedented details how the authorities go to the villages of Uighur to recruit "workers", and "government reports" are filled with success stories "officials who visit the Uighur homes until" all family members agree to work ".

The Zens report had long -range effects, as the United States banned cotton imports from Xinjiang Province, responsible for 20% of global supplies..

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The 46 -year -old German researcher also presented a previous paper on the forced sterilization of Uighur women, which was the only basis for which the US State Department decided to classify Chinese policy as genocide..

In response to the report, Beijing imposed sanctions on Zens, five members of the British Parliament and a group of British academics, and prevented them from traveling to China.

After that, certain companies filed a lawsuit against him, which is the first case of a foreign researcher to face a civil lawsuit in China because of his human rights work.

The companies claim that the Zains report was not only incorrect, but also harmed the "reputation of the industry" and led to great financial losses, seeking to obtain compensation and apology and an order from the court to prevent him from conducting any additional research.

For his part, Zains, who works as a first colleague at the Charity Charity Corporation, denies the accusations, indicating that he obtained 95% of the report information from the Chinese government records available to the public.

"The Chinese keep accurate records..They somehow are proud of what they are doing.They congratulate themselves on their (Uighur) pregnancy on doing what they always wanted to do..

The writer explains that working to reveal the reality of the Chengiang camps is very difficult, as only a few academics were able to obtain reliable information, which made one of the most prominent scholars in this field..

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The author notes that although the lawsuit filed against Zens in Xinjiang brings little risks as long as it remains outside China, there is fear that the litigants will now try to file a lawsuit against him in the United States..

The writer concludes by saying that Zenz believes that Beijing is very aggressive and is making more efforts than ever to silence those who write about the camps, in the hope of deterring him - and others - from deepening what China is doing in Xinjiang..

Coexistence with the virus

We move to the Guardian newspaper and an opinion article written by Nisreen Malik, entitled "How much is an additional form for the Cofide catastrophe that the rich countries need to push them to work necessary?

The author begins her article by saying that with the high number of Corona virus infection in Europe and the United States during the first part of last year, it seemed that something strange happens in the southern part of the world.

While the total number of deaths due to the epidemic in South Africa was less than 100 people, Britain was losing more than 1,000 people a day.The death rate in India during this period was so low that he described it as a "mystery".

According to the article, some believe that the continent has survived the worst in Kofid - 19 because it has taken decisive measures early in the epidemic, while others say that the continent has been rescued through its warm climate, the decrease in the elderly population and "good community health systems"..There was also a sensation about the therapeutic capabilities of the sweet wipe trees cultivated locally, and they are plants that the head of Madagascar claimed to treat the virus.

Most of this logic was guess.But the article shows that the situation is now inverted.With vaccination programs gaining momentum in the north of the world, the epidemic has finally started to decline, while the opposite occurs in low -income countries, where most people expect to obtain any of the vaccine technology or vaccine donations in the near future.

In addition to the fact that health care facilities suffer beyond their capacity and lack resources - just as it is currently happening in India, and the collection of data is limited, which means that death statistics are not reliable and there is no way to estimate the time for the end of the epidemic in many countries.Instead, Malik says that what awaits us is an open extension of uncertainty, as the residents try, and they inevitably fail, to coexist with this virus..

The best scenario in such cases, according to the writer, is that governments are able to contain a high peak of cases through closure, while lives and livelihoods are lost due to economic restrictions.Some observers estimate that the virus will kill people in 2021 more than it was in 2020.

This leads us to what can be and what to do.The lack of spread of the epidemic in poor countries with the same virginity that we saw in Western countries does not mean that there are no slow and deadly injuries, which can turn into hell.There is a delay guaranteed in the spread of the virus, whether at home or abroad, according to the writer.

Just as it happened in the first wave in the West, it is currently happening in India.Pictures of burning mass bodies have prompted US President Joe Biden to back down from his position and pledge to send a "whole series of aid" there, according to the writer..

But the writer says that we should not wait for pictures like that to motivate the movement.What is required is something that is much more ambitious than donating vaccines.The world needs global logistical training, a kind of Marshall plan that will provide financial support, specialized workforce and medical technology.

She adds that with the virus receding in the West, it is now time to put pressure on leaders to rid the south of the globe of its almost certain fate.By the time when the real numbers of deaths and injuries in poor countries are clear, it will be too late for many people.

The real challenge

We conclude our tour of the Financial Times and the article written by Ghadien Rashman, entitled "The poor demography will not stop the rise of China.".

The writer opens his article with a phrase that many people repeat in the conferences that "China will be old, before it becomes rich".The implicit meaning of this phrase is that China's rise to global domination will soon collide with a giant barrier: demography, that is, the demographics.

The writer explains that the low fertility rate in China means that its population will decrease and get older in the coming decades.The Financial Times reported last week that the population of China has already begun to decline - a few years ago than what the United Nations expected..

The large, increasing and youth population has always been the motive behind the rise of nations in a large part of the history of mankind.But the shrinking of the population and their aging may not have the same dark effects in the twenty -first century.In the last war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, drones played a decisive role in the battlefield.

And if technological ingenuity, instead of the hordes of youth, is the key to future strength, then China is in a good position.But the structure of the Chinese population is not the size that will be the real challenge.

By 2040, about 30 % of the population will be over the age of sixty.The state will have to support them, which means that a fewer population will be of working age, which will lead to a slowdown in economic growth.

China will soon lose its title as the largest country in the world in terms of population.By the end of the century, United Nations expectations indicate that the population of India will be 1.5 billion people, compared to a billion people in China.(Some other academic studies indicate that the population of China in 2100 will be less than 800 million).

The writer concludes his article by saying that the demography will continue to form global politics, as it has always done.But the historical relationship between the increasing population and youth and the increase in national power gives way to something more complicated.The most important division may be now between rich and medium -income countries - where the population is fixed or retreating - and the poorest countries, where the population expands quickly.