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Ukraine ... all and the lessons learned - extended the media

Edema/ There is a permanent and continuous discussion on the practice of politics and external relations on the basis of political realism, which means determining the available and giving priority to the interest, in exchange for taking preliminary positions, and adhering to societal and humanitarian principles in managing foreign relations.

Among the most prominent of those who adopted the philosophy of political realism in the modern era, Dr. Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State, who opened to China and sought to achieve truce with Russia, under the presidencyThe West to the separation of Russia and Ukraine, which have historical, ethnic and political ties, meaning that the concept of interest and realism was not only for thinkers from the central and eastern countries..

On the other hand, Western countries have claimed that they are pledged most aspects of their external relationship with respecting the principles and rules of their societies, in particular, democracy and human rights, as they are the best, best and most consistent with the human pattern required in the twenty -first century.

I was not convinced throughout my diplomatic experience that there are external relations that are managed exclusively on the basis of one of the two principles without the other..The major countries sought to issue decisions from the UN Security Council before the liberation of Kuwait, and to impose an air embargo on Libya with a difference of each case from the other, and although the interest was the first motivation behind both of them.Also, I did not find in the claim of Western countries that they adhere to the principles and law alone, any credibility, because it overcomes the interest to the principle whenever it is forced.It was also occupying countries, and is still, led by America, the most exploitative country outside its borders.Unfortunately, adherence to the principles of democracy and human rights, as important.

The Ukrainian situation and the actions of Russia and the West confirm the foregoing. Russia uses military power in several regions in the Ukrainian territories and its demand to change the government under the power of weapons, contradicts all the foundations of international law and an undesirable step, but this does not mean at all that the position of America and the West on the Ukrainian issueSalim.

President Putin justified his recognition.I do not justify the Russian military action and will not be justified, because the use of force to impose a fait accompli, a practice that was supposed to be overcome in the twenty -first century, especially by countries that criticized the resort of their competitors in the West to this, but rather hold the United States and Western countries the main responsibility and exacerbation of the problemHe violated his pledge to the Soviet Union that the NATO will not expand east after the end of the Cold War, and expanded in 1999, then in 2004, by including countries from Eastern Europe.In 2008, the Alliance Summit in Bucharest announced the intention to discuss the joining of Ukraine and Georgia.

The Russian reaction was not quick or conclusive until after the Boucharest summit, so a war between it and Georgia erupted in 2008, and the Ukrainian crisis exploded in 2014, and Russia included the Crimea Peninsula for strategic purposes, including protecting the Black Sea ports, and pushed towards the Ukrainian civil war afterThe United States supported a coup that replaced Ukrainian leadership with a pro -West.After a relative calm period, the square was tense again in the fall of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, with the growing Western steps to bring Ukraine closer to NATO, by providing weapons and military training during the Trump and Biden era, as well as providing Turkey drones to the Ukrainian government.

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Russia considered that the West is working to prejudice its interests through three axes, which are to expand the membership of the alliance and cooperate with it, expand the membership of the European Union, and spread democracy and liberal foundations, in order to be political and security in the Russian neighborhood, which made it take more severe positions in its confrontation.

And I remember that President Putin said in a meeting that took place in 2014, that he would impose on the West to respect his country again, while noting that he does not want to enter into a direct military clash with Westerners..

A few days ago, before the military operations, a modern took place between me and the ambassador of a permanent Western state in the Security Council, in which he stressed that Ukraine will not have military protection from Western countries or NATO, and that the Western reaction will not exceed the imposition of economic sanctions on Russia.This position was not surprising to me, and I support the West to enter into a military confrontation..

The events of Ukraine confirm that the unilateral power is internationally or regionally, in the interest of everyone, and that the existence of a political and military balance is in the interest of all..

Russia must face political and security differences early, and before it exacerbates and is difficult to overcome without military action, it has difficult and long -term repercussions..

The change of Russian conditions on the ground in Ukraine does not sign a lot.

On the American and Western side, there is a pursuit of pressure rates and political discourse, especially after they lost a lot of their credibility as supporters of security and protect the friend.The Ukrainians must extract from all this, that relying on others will not achieve security or safety for them, and that "national consensus" and "middle solutions" are wise and favorite positions.

And Europe, especially Germany, must return to its traditional role as the "Hakim of the Continent" calling for a political consensus with the East.

And it is time for the countries to be active in developing foundations for a new international system, based on the balance of interests, not power, it is no longer acceptable that the world be managed as an extension of the Cold War competitions and according to its theories, if not tensions from World War II.Note that if we accept the imposition of force on the European scene by the United States or Russia, it is not necessary to surprise the same principle in other arenas by a regional power.