Home >without pilot >Underwater drones .. The secret "Manta-Rai" project enters the second stage
Jun 29By smartai.info

Underwater drones .. The secret "Manta-Rai" project enters the second stage

The American Defense Research Projects Agency called DARPA (DARPA) said in a press statement that it had signed contracts for the second phase of the underwater underwater vehicle program called Manta-ray.

When it comes to drones, air vehicles usually come to our minds.There are many sites - including Al -Jazeera Net - have covered the drones of all sizes and shapes, those that can be restored and those that can be dispensed with and many other things.

The danger to the soldier's life in maritime operations is not different from what he faces on land or sky, and therefore the Manta-Rai program began in 2020.

As I mentioned in the press statement, the aim of the program is to develop underwater vehicles that can work without having a human intervention, even in cases of logistical support or maintenance of these vehicles.

The purpose of vehicles

The purpose of uninhabited compounds underwater is to stay underwater for long periods of time, and therefore also needs a high endurance.

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As shown in the video above, unmanned underwater vehicles are expected to operate in the depths of the oceans, and can also be designed to withstand additional loads and can perform dedicated tasks for them.

These loads are refundable, which means that uninhabited underwater vehicles need infrastructure to recharge and spread them continuously.

In its initial version, it is not expected that unmanned vehicles underwater will have combat roles, but this can change quickly as we saw with drones in the past.

The first stage of the program included the initial test of energy management, control of corrosion and biomus on vehicles, avoiding obstacles during their duties and concluded with critical design reviews that showed the maturity of the design and preparedness to apply to the next stage.

Large breakthroughs

As stated in the press statement, two of the main contractors, North Grumman Systems Corporation and Martin Defeense Group over the second stage contracts, and each of them seized unique fully -scale display vehicles.

"The program has made great progress towards enabling independent water vehicles capable of carrying a net load to work independently of manned ships or supportive infrastructure," said Kyle Warner, director of the Manta-Rai Program.The same time with contributing to the technologies of the main components in other vital surfaces. "

Earlier this year, the US Navy announced the construction of a center for the surface and surface drones test, according to Breaking Defense.