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Jun 17By smartai.info

Unmanned military maritime systems ... and international law

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The British navy has started experimenting with a new system called Mast-13, which allows the remote uninhabited military boat control, to find mines or spy on enemy ships.Thanks to a system like Hudaymim, the inhabited vehicle fleet can be operated from a warship operation room, to discover underwater mines and spy on enemy ships without endangering the sailors.

The MAST-13 system will compromise the 13-meter boats to explore miles before warships and warn them of any possible danger, and preferred to reach 52 miles per hour, these running boats will be able to use for up to 10 days at one time and travel hundreds of miles.

Ships will be controlled by two naval specialists in a war -made operations room, with one person directed to the boat and the other operating weapons, as this technology represents a great step forward in interacting between humans and machine, it combines advanced self -control and human capabilities to overcome many challengesIt is facing difficult conditions in the sea.

Unmanned surface compounds from the platform of the arterial system can be launched to implement the tasks and collect information using the sensors on board.The American Seahunter is the most important of these systems at a cost of 23 million dollars, 40 meters long and is able to work on the high seas at 31 knots independently for a period of 3 months, with a range of 10 thousand nautical miles and is committed to safe navigation rules.

Poevoyager Poevoyager developed for several months;This system uses a rechargeable hybrid energy, and it is able to transfer information to friendly powers without the need for cables to maintain communications. This system is expected to monitor under the sea to detect mines as well as other tasks.

Hydroid, the American branch of KongsBerg Maritime, is the leading manufacturer of uninhabited submarines, the REMUS 100 (Remus 100), which is from the uninhabited, uninhabited compounds designed to work in water environments on a clinic to about 100 meters.

The HAIYAN droves are produced, which can work at depths of up to 1000 meters, sailing at 4 contracts and its operations continue for a month.Likewise, a Russian did with a production of water, capable of transporting a nuclear load, with a range of 6,200 nautical miles at 56 knots, while its supposed purpose is to attack targets on the coast of the United States of America.

There is a lot of discussion about the use of uninhabited air and land systems, and in a way that turns around or under the surface of the water. The use of uninhabited systems in the fighting has attracted attention on a large scale in the legal society, and focus a lot of attention and discussions on the use of air systems without a pilot, and the floor of a scale for conducting the so -called target killings with the aim of undermining targets of high value and combating bombings in manufactured areas, as it led The use of these regimes to the adoption of the armed forces of many countries increasingly for intelligence, monitoring, and other aspects of military logistics services.

The use of these systems is very different from their air and land counterparts. In future sea security operations, the use of these systems will be very large, as they are largely increasing the monitoring capabilities of the naval forces, and contributes to fighting piracy, drug trafficking, fighting the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction and refugee operations. As for the sea wars, they are particularly promising, regarding improving the capabilities of maritime prevention and the anti -submarine and mines warfare, as it is likely that the non -manned marine systems will prove that they are invaluable in preserving the security of the fragile marine corridors, on which the prosperity of the global economy depends.

Unmanned marine systems ... their types and tasks

The uninhabited sea systems are not a completely new phenomenon, but in the twentieth and twentieth century they have become a subject of great aggressive technological progress.

Unmanned marine systems provide a number of advantages, which make them advance to manufactured systems, among them the low cost and the ability to endure, that is, the ability to carry out tasks and perseverance in the area of ​​operations, as it allows greater coverage of ISR operations (Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaism), and the ability to work with an important feature is Hide ghost, but they have defects for manufactured systems, they are more dependent on communication, meaning that losing communications link may sometimes lead to completely disabled, or at least weakening their functions or benefits, in addition to that they may have design restrictions that make them an act in certain circumstances, where the sets of systems will be The manufactured is more able to interact with it, as well as adapting to the situations that may not be taken into consideration of the development of these systems.

The uninhabited marine systems include two types: uninhabited surface compounds, and the unmanned surfaces, each of which has different properties in marine operations and subject to specific restrictions.

1: Unmanned surface compounds

The uninhabited surface vehicles of USVs are as follows:

• Implementing anti -mine procedures to protect waterways and areas where operations are taking place.

Coastal operations such as amphibious landing, especially in shallow waters.

• • The anti -submarine war can keep pace with a manned surface group to identify and track submarines.

• Marine security through the availability of ISR.

• The surface war by attacking the superficial targets and maintaining its presence in the SOF operations for the availability of security for it.

• Electronic warfare availability of protection from electronic attack and the implementation of deception and confusion.

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• Supporting the operations of objection and maritime prevention.

• In the ship inspection operations by conducting a preliminary survey of a suspicious ship.

2: Vehicles below the uninhabited surface

The vehicles are opened by the uninhabited surface is a self -driven submarine whose operations are completely independent, or under simple and non -restricted human control, except for the means of communication of data such as optical fiber cables.As with their superficial counterparts, these systems can participate or facilitate a wide range of tasks, including: ISR operations, mine control procedures, anti -submarine war, ocean science, communications, essential data collection, depth measurement, waves movement, marine currents and geophysical pamphlets.

The vehicles are opened by the uninhabited surface relatively small, which enhances the possibility of carrying and spreading it from planes and ships, and in addition to using them to detect and disrupt mines, they are specially attracted to their ability to detonate themselves serial operations, and they also have other tasks such as eavesdropping or disrupting communications cables at the ocean bottom, which carryAll kinds of military and civil signs and data are alike.

Uninhabited sea systems and international law

The legal status of uninhabited marine systems is seen through two cases: the first condition and the second case as a warrant, both of which are somewhat sterile and unstable.There is no specific definition of the ship in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.Indeed, both terms appear in this law without discrimination, in this article the term "ship" will be used.

The United Nations Convention on the UNCLOS Law of the ship is an important entity, which has navigation rights that other entities that operate over water such as aircraft, and in contrast, can bear various obligations, the most important of which is what was stated in Article 94 of this agreement, as Kalvina must raise the flag of the state, and be inhabited by the command of Rabban Responsible for it and officers who possess appropriate qualifications, especially in navigation, communications and marine engineering, and that the suitcases in terms of qualification and preparation for the type, size and equipment of the ship, and that it is completely familiar with the international regulations in force, in relation to the safety of life in the sea, the imposition of collisions, the reduction of marine pollution and its control, and the maintenance of communications .

1: Unmanned marine systems as a ship

It is not clear yet whether the unmanned marine systems enjoy the same situation and the ship, according to the classifications of the United Nations Convention on the UNCLOS Law, and even if that is unlikely that these systems are being classified as Warships, however their use is not excluded in the time of the ladder or the ladder orthe war.

The Convention on the Prevention of Pollution in the year 1973 and the 1996 protocol are taking the same direction.Since some of these systems are able to transport goods and people at sea, they will be subject to the agreement to prevent collies and the Ship Registration Condition Agreement.Consequently, it is considered a ships except for what was stated in the text of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

2: Unmanned marine systems as a warrant

After discussing the issue of unmanned marine systems as a ship, their rights and navigation duties, it is necessary to verify whether these systems can have the status of warships. The requirements of this situation were determined for the first time in the Huhavi Agreement in 1907, and they are repeated today in Article 29 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea , Which states that the warship means a ship belonging to the armed forces of a state, carrying external signs that distinguish its nationality, and under the leadership of an officer with an official mandate from the state government, its name appears in the list of appropriate services or its equivalent, and is managed by a crew that violates the regular armed forces.

It is difficult for this global definition unmanned marine systems.These systems can easily be part of the armed forces list and place appropriate signs on them, but it will be necessary to modify the concept of leadership by a commissioner to include controlling their activities remotely, in addition to that and since they are uninhabited or at best in distance, it is not possible to consider its crew subjectFor military discipline, so even if these systems are eligible for a successor, they cannot be a warship.

The situation of warships is less important in times of peace. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas, warships are granted some rights. For example, a war ship may seize a piracy ship, or to visit a ship on the high seas. These rights are granted equal to other ships, on which a clear mark is placed as an government and an expression of it, for example, the American Coast Guard ships. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea does not impose any other criteria, that is, there is no reason for the inadmissibility of licensing the non -inhabited sea systems to work as a government ship, which exercises all the rights that the warships have the time of peace.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea recognizes the sovereign immunity of warships, and the privileges are granted to other ships in non -commercial government service from them, and both categories are two boots from the judicial jurisdiction of enforce The broad immunity enjoyed by government ships in the non -commercial service, and as long as the unmanned marine systems are qualified as a ship and managed by a government for non -commercial purposes, it will enjoy the same sovereign immunity enjoyed by the warfare ship according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The sovereign immunity of unmanned marine systems is less important during armed international disputes. The principles of immunity shown in the above item do not apply during armed disputes, because these regimes are military targets. Consequently, it can be attacked or seized as war spoils. In periods of international armed conflicts, the non -governmental warships are the only one that is entitled to exercise combat rights or the most important of which is the use of force against the enemy in addition to other rights that include controlling the neutral ships in the vicinity directly to the maritime operations area, the visit and searches of the ship, and enforce the siege.

in conclusion

Vehicles are involved under the uninhabited surface or facilitating many activities, which stand out, so that two premises help in determining their legal status, in terms of their classification as a ship or a war, or military equipment and war means:

1 - Unmanned vehicles from a ship to facilitate the jobs that are entitled to do.This use is not legally different from the release of Rhibs.It is the ship that exercises the right and the system, and warships may also cross an international or archipelago.In this case, she must refrain from any threat or use of force against the coastal state.It is acceptable to use helicopters to ensure their security during traffic, and it can also spread an uninhabited vehicle to perform a similar job, and as a legal issue, it is the ship that implements the traffic, not the vehicle.

‌2 - A similar approach can be applied during an armed conflict. For example, a warship, an improvised sea, may use a naval system that is not inspired to carry out monitoring functions, in order to pay attention to the attempts of other ships to violate the siege.Once again, it is the ship that exercises the rights of the fighting to maintain the siege during the armed conflict and not the unprecedented regime.

The use of uninhabited marine systems as methods or military means is fully prepared, as long as these methods and means are reviewed to determine their ability to distinguish goals, and the impact of an uninhabited characteristic of its ability to distinguish, and this review mainly aims to prohibit the use of "stupid" weapons and the random attacks thatIt can be a danger to international navigation on the high seas, in marine corridors, and reduce side damage, which can also be an obstacle to developing and using these means.

The uninhabited sea systems may work in times of peace and during armed conflicts legally and useful, even without their own rights, and may be published by ships and warships to perform many and varied jobs as a means of war, and can also be used during armed conflict such as another ingredient, and subject to the same dutiesThey are linked to the ships from which they are deployed, as well as those rules that carry and use weapons systems.

Accordingly, unmanned marine systems are not warships, but they can be a government ambiguity, and most importantly, they are military equipment and means of war, which are used in an envelope in which it is legally used to use other weapons such as tubes, missiles or mines during the marine operations in the territorial waters of the enemy or inhigh seas.

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