Home >without pilot >War in Syria: Washington is defending an air strike that killed civilians in Syria
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War in Syria: Washington is defending an air strike that killed civilians in Syria

The US military defended a "legitimate" air strike, in which dozens of people were killed in Syria in 2019.

The attack on those who call Islamic State fighters killed 80 people, in the last stronghold of the organization.

The United States said that among the dead are 16 militants and four civilians.

But officials were unable to reach a conclusion about more than 60 others, and a BBC spokesman said that it was "very likely" that more civilians were killed..

According to a report by the New York Times, the army was accused of covering up the strike, and there was no independent investigation into the raid..

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The air strikes took place on March 18, 2019 in the town of Baguz, in eastern Syria - which was then the last stronghold of the so -called Islamic State (ISIS) succession (ISIS).

American aircraft dropped three bombs on a large group of people during the raid, although the drones shots were showing civilians, according to the New York Times.

The leaders ignored the alert that was expressed directly in the aftermath of the accident, and the "subsequent investigation" of the incident conducted by the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense from any reference to the strike, the newspaper said..She added that there has never been a comprehensive independent investigation into the attack.

Jane Tate, a work official in the case, told the newspaper that he was forced to leave his job later: "The leadership seemed to be determined to bury this matter..No one wants to have any relationship with him..

The US Central Command rejected these accusations.

The spokesman "Bill Urban" in Baylby BC said that the American forces received assurances that civilians were not present in the area at the time of the attack..

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And he added that only after that, the United States learned that there was a high -precision video clip of a drone run by an unknown ally of the United States indicating the presence of civilians.Footage of this United States plane enabled the conclusion that its bombs killed 16 ISIS fighters and four civilians - but it could not "determine the case of more than 60 others categorically.".

He continued: "The reason for the uncertainty is that it was observed in the video several armed women and at least one armed child, and the exact mixture of armed and unarmed individuals cannot be identified in the video..It is likely that the majority of the dead were also fighters at the time of the strike, yet there are also other civilians who were killed in these two raids..

Urban said that an investigation concluded that "these two strikes were a legitimate defense" and "they do not require any disciplinary measures.".

The spokesman did not address the accusation of the New York Times of the presence of Tsar for the investigation, which was conducted by the Inspector General Office.

The US -backed Kurdish "Syrian Democratic Forces" organization began its final advance to the city of Baguz, at the beginning of March 2019.

The organization was forced to wait in its attacks after it was found that a large number of civilians were hidden in buildings, tents and ties.

Many ISIS fighters obligated their positions, expressed fierce resistance, and resorted to suicide operations to repel attacks.

The fall of Baguz was a milestone in the war on the Islamic State.

What is the Islamic State?

The armed organization emerged internationally in 2014, when it took control of vast areas in Syria and Iraq.

The organization imposed its extremist ruling on 8 million people, committed terrible massacres and destroyed heritage sites, earned billions of dollars from the sale of oil, robbery, theft and kidnapping.

After 5 years of fighting, local forces backed by international forces managed to expel ISIS militants and remove them from the areas he controlled..

However, the organization announced last year that 600 operations in Syria and 1,400 other operations in Iraq were implementing.