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Where are the borders of the solar system?

Hani Al -Dhalaya*

The solar system is still abundant with the information that is amazed day by day. Whenever the astronomical monitoring devices evolve, facts were not known before, and statements were confirmed that were just a theory or hypothesis.

The solar system is the closest space component of the Earth, in which the sun, planets, moons, comets and asteroids, all of this helps to understand more comprehensive for the universe.

Of course, the study of comets, for example, is a direct way to understand how the solar system arose, because comets have been formed since that time, that is, nearly 4.6 billion years ago, and still wandering in space carrying those fingerprints that can reveal to scientists the secret of the beginning of life, and why they appearedon the earth?Does it refrain from appearing elsewhere in the galaxy?

The human being believed that the seven bodies - including the sun and the moon - are the edge of this universe, which is on the walls of the distant stars.This belief remained prevalent until recently in the history of mankind, when the era of telescopes and optical analysis began about four hundred years ago, so he discovered new planets, and scientists found that the stars move in the sky, and that they are different in their dimensions, in addition to that they are different in colors, sizes and ages.

Dwarf planets monitored the planets and the discovery of Uranus first in 1781, then Neptune in 1846, and finally Pluto in 1930;The diameter of the solar system expanded twice as much.Then these discoveries stopped for nearly sixty years, until an American team announced in 1992 the discovery of an asteroid named "QP One", which opened the eyes beyond Pluto, but rather opened Aboba that almost closed.

The credit for the Hubble Space Telescope, which was launched in 1990 and actually worked in 1992, was to look at the depths of the distant space within the borders of the solar system, but stars and galaxies.The outcome of what was revealed by this space giant - which is taking an orbit around the Earth only 400 km - within a few years that exceeded what was revealed by astronomy since the dawn of history.

Then the statements used to use the ground observatories also from other bodies that exceeded Pluto, and the height of these discoveries reached in 2005, when the Balomarnia Generation Observatory of California was announced that a asteroid named Zina is more than Pluto Qatar, and the sun is twice as far as Pluto himself.By the presence of another planetary belt, a cable belt, as the second asteroid belt in the solar system after the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Then in 2006 the decision to rename these new planets with dwarf planets came, and Pluto and Zina - whose name later became Eris - was of this type of planetary classification, and was added to them as the Cyrice asteroid, the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, and the Asger of Hamia and Mickey Mick, who announced the discovery ofOne of them - Mickey Mick - on the same day announcing the discovery of the Eris asteroid, and announced only two days before that.

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Voyager and her colleagues after less than twenty years from the beginning of the 1957 space age, a group of spacecraft were launched to roam the solar system and even beyond them. Bayoner 1 and Pioneer 2 launched the Earth in 1972, followed by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 in 1977The four vehicles today exceeded the boundaries of the well -known solar system, to complete their path to a space between the stars.

But the most distant of those vehicles today is Voyager 1, which has become a distance from the sun to one distance of more than 142 astronomical units (astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and the sun = 150 million kilometers), that is, more than twenty billion kilometers from the sun.

Perhaps the aforementioned number appeared in the earth’s standards, but if we know that the closest stars of the sky to the sun is more than forty thousand billion kilometers, what the Voyager vehicle has traveled is a distance outside the scope of comparison, as it is necessary if it wants to reach that star ninety thousand years.

Despite the relatively old technology that Voyager sent, it still sends us signals on its location and what proves that it is still alive even after 41 years of traveling in 1977.

Among these things that the vehicle sent is that it revealed its location in relation to the magnetic field of the sun, and that it has crossed the maximum edge (Heliopos), which cannot be found any traces of solar wind, this is the separation between them and the dust between the star.

Today it is 21 billion km from the sun, which apparently means that it crossed the borders of the solar system!However, hey, it's not yet, not even a small part of that.According to scientists, she still has hundreds of times the distance that she traveled to this day in order to reach the edge of the solar system affected by the sun's gravity, that is, it will have to exceed the cloud of Oort.

The cloud of Owar cloud is the cloud of the solar group comets, it surrounds the solar system in the form of a very thick ball, as it comes from long -term comets that take its cycle around the sun hundreds and thousands of years and may not return again, and this means that they all lie under the influence of the sun's gravity that extendsThe attractiveness of other stars to vast distances, but the strength of their attraction is fading whenever the distance moves away.

After the Owrt cloud, the sun ranges between one thousand and a hundred thousand astronomical units, which are the most constituent of the solar system, superior to all planets.According to the Hubble Space Telescope, it is the unrighteous edges of the solar system, until another discovery appears to be denied.

The fugitives of this cloud are relatively larger than nearby comets, as their diameter usually exceeds ten kilometers.And the sun does not reach only after it left its mother clouds before thousands and sometimes millions of years.

And because it falls on the maximum of the solar system, the scientists assert that its material is similar to the first material from which the sun and planets were formed, and by studying it, it is possible to reach a clearer and deeper understanding of the emergence of the solar system and its first six -six samJust as it happened with several previous comets, such as the Wilde guilty, which was met by the Star Dest vehicle, the Timbel 1 guilty, which was met by the Deep Empact vehicle, and the comet of the Churi B67, which was met by the Rosetta vehicle, and others.

The number of particles that make up this cloud is estimated at about a grave trillion, most of which are ice.So does a person live until that limits the outskirts of the near universe, or is the future of scientific development still in its beginnings that will make travel in space a future fact that has always been a scientific imagination that we see and follow in films only?

_____________*Member of the Arab Federation for Space and Astronomy