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Feb 09By smartai.info

Learn about the robot poet "Deniz Yilmaz", which combines artificial intelligence with artLeave

The works of the designer artist Bakher Akbay are distinguished by combining artificial intelligence and art, and it answers a question: Can artificial intelligence produce an artwork?Among his works are the automated poet "Deniz Yilmaz" and the robot represented "Iberra".

Bagger Akbay, the automated poet Deniz Yilmaz, was designed in 2015 a store in his memory 12 thousand poems of the most prominent poets who wrote in the Turkish language, from "Ashik Faisal" to "Baqi", and although the robot is not an ordinary human being, he writesPoets are published in the corners of poetry newspapers, as he wrote his own poetic book "Like others".

Akbai had other contributions in the field of artificial intelligence, as he participated in the design of the first Turkish robot based on artificial intelligence in Turkey as "Iberra", which signed a contract to film a movie in 2022.


In recent years, questions related to artificial intelligence products such as: Can his developed products be artistic?Or is it just an ordinary technological product?Who is the true owner of her creative production?The designer artist Baggher Akbay and his ilk searched for answers to these questions.

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In an interview with "TT Haber" channel, Akbay said: "I studied in the university mathematics department and then studied the design, and I went after graduating to study art abroad, and I raised several questions of my interest, such as: How does the artist produce his art? How does he express himself? And where he finds his ideas?I produced a robot called Deniz Yilmaz.This robot lives as an ordinary person in Turkey, but it is going to the challenge of joining the poets of poets. Do his poems to publish in the poetic angle in the newspapers?Or will it refuse because it is a robot?We have been told: (Every machine can carry the pen, but we do not want it to write poetry, because the robot does not write poetry), so I answered the call to establish a relationship with this robot and said: (Read his poems)..

Akbay added: "It is not fair to give ourselves a very high appreciation; by saying that we have a soul while he is without a soul, so we wonder about the status of the machine for us and is it acceptable?From him writing on the same topic, we will not be able to compete..This robot resembles a little, just like a child writes what he has without any invisible motivation..

When asked: Is the "Deniz Yilmaz" robot equipped with artificial intelligence technology?Akbay replied: "We call learning technology the name of artificial intelligence, as a comprehensive term, and artificial intelligence techniques have been used since 1960, and its uses developed in 2020, and the use of Marcov chains technology, the oldest artificial intelligence technology, has still exists so far.".

Akbay described the robot's use of some words, saying: "We sometimes believe that he used one of the words wrongly, but when we use the dictionary we find that its use was true, although he did not know the derivative root of the word, but he knows how to use it better than us thanks to the presence of 12 thousand poems in his memory,It contains "Baqi" and "denial" and also the poems of the current singers.For example, a notice came to me in one of my meetings, and when I looked at him, I saw him (the robot), so I asked what he said?I click and read ".

When asked: Do Deniz Yilmaz still continue to write poetry?Akbay replied: "Yilmaz's software is available on the Internet, so that anyone can make a similar machine, so that Yilmaz is very possible to continue in other bodies and other places.I receive messages from time to time across my e -mail saying: (Our teacher, we have been able to produce similar to Deniz Yilmaz), this robot is not exclusive to me, and if his only advantage is that he was a poet I would have played up like a doll, but I do not want it, but I want to continue his career..


Akbay compared the robot "Iberra", the first robot of an artificial intelligence in Turkey, who participated in his design, and the robot Deniz Yilmaz saying: "We do not need to be a beautiful Deniz Yilmaz, but we need to express himself, but Iberra is a young womanA teenager is trying to communicate with us and be a star, and in fact she is an e-insan, she is a virtual figure who was one of the first famous robots in Turkey, and she also has her career, as Birol Goven signed with her a contract to shoot the movie ".

He continued, "Iberra is currently learning to act with the entire team, its programming changes and its systems are arranged accordingly.You will participate in the film and make her professional path, and when looking at it after two or three years in terms of its development in acting, we will say it is Iberra.But so far I am not aware of her role in the movie..

When asked: Do Robot Iberra face sudden positions when she answers herself on interview questions?Akbay replied: "We enjoy very much when we talk to Iberra, so our conversation with a robot programmed with artificial intelligence answers himself on the questions in the interviews that we share enthusiastically in the groups.We know that her answer is appropriate for the information that was programmed on him, just similar to the answer of the child that is proportional to his environment in which he grew up and the education he obtained..If we knew everything about what Iberra would do, or was going according to a specific plan, we would not have enjoyed its frightening answers sometimes, everyone is terrified, saying that the world is not ready for such!We are currently working on imposing control over it..

In his speech, Akbay touched on the frightening dimensions that artificial intelligence may reach in the future, saying: "We follow artificial intelligence with great anxiety, and we hope to exceed this feeling.We are not afraid of the machine, but from bad people, who can control it and turn it into a weapon, because our lack of confidence in the machines stems from our lack of confidence in each other, the problem lies in us human beings.We have reached artificial intelligence with science and knowledge that did not come from abroad, and did not come down to us from heaven, so what will we do with this knowledge?Will we use it with a bad intention, or do we harness it to develop the world? ".